Looking for This Itch of Writing?

This is the blog associated with my writing life as an author. My other blog, This Itch of Writing, is about creative writing, from the first idea for your first-ever story to the last comma on the second proof, and beyond. 

It's read by writers at all levels, linked to by many MA, MFA and undergraduate creative writing courses around the world, and is the only author's blog recommended by name in the Society of Editors and Proofreaders' Guide Editing Fiction


If you'd like to get a link to the latest posts as soon as they go up, 

Welcome to a new blog on my new website!

So my new website’s up and running. It’s been fun to work on - although as ever I’ve had to sneak the time to do it out of everything else that’s been going on - and I hope you’re finding what you want here.

Mind you, I nearly didn’t put a blog into the new site, because of course my Creative Writing blog, This Itch of Writing, has been out and about for a decade. I can’t move it over here because it would break the links for the dozens of MAs and other creative writing courses who send their students to the Itch.

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