We had an excellent Salon last Monday with agent Jenny Savill, who’s a director at Andrew Nurnberg Associates; we were specifically talking about how writers and agents work together over the long term, rather than just the whole “how to get an agent” thing. As ever, Kellie took notes as we went, and has blogged about it, over at Words Away, so do click through to get the low-down.
And there must be something in the air here in South East London - Kellie and I only live ten minutes apart - because after all the business of Christmas, and the run-up to This is Not a Book About Charles Darwin being published, I’ve finally got round to feeding the poor, hungry Itch.
Even so, I might not have got round to it, if I hadn’t stumbled on a wonderful Tumblr post by a librarian, which has inspired me to riff off it, with a post called As a Mentor and Teacher and Writer and Reader, There’s Something I Want to Say to You.
(p.s. - this isn’t a pic of Jenny’s Salon, as I can’t find one. But it does give the feel of the Salons as a whole.