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Psychic Distance Masterclass: Online Workshop at Blue Pencil

Psychic Distance: the fiction writer’s secret sauce. Over the years I’ve found that learning to work with psychic distance – often called narrative distance or emotional distance – is the game-changer for my students.

In this extended Masterclass you will have the chance to explore how and why that happens.

Sometimes you may want the reader to be deeply involved in your protagonists’ subjective perceptions, sometimes you might want the reader to have a wider and more objective experience of what’s happening in your story. Bringing together point-of-view, showing and telling, and narrative voice into a single, dynamic way to shape your narrative, psychic distance can and will transform your storytelling telling.

This extended Masterclass will give you the chance to understand how psychic distance works, try your hand with the new tool in a series of exercises, study how good writers use it, and ask lots of questions to help you gain confidence with this crucial technique.

Click through to the Blue Pencil website to find out more.