You may have great characters, a brilliant premise and have done a ton of research, but if your language-wrangling skills and experience are limited, your storytelling will always be limited too. It’s the same with the imaginative work: learning to direct and develop your imagination, and knowing when and how to let it go off-track fruitfully, can make a huge difference to the quality of your writing.
In this practical, interactive workshop, based in part on writing sent in by participants, we will start by exploring “writerly yoga”, with ways to increase the mobility and responsiveness of your word-mind and sentence-building skills. We’ll move on explore ways to stretch and flex your ideas and imagination well beyond the places they usually reach. We’ll play with examples and share experience; there will also be time for questions.
You should leave the tutorial with a fund of exercises and techniques to strengthen your writing practice and develop individual projects well beyond your old limits.
Click through to the Blue Pencil Agency website to find out more.
Image by Mohammed Hassan on Pixabay