Scroll down to find out where I’ll be talking and teaching in the next few months. If you would like to discuss possible future events, do get in touch.
“Back by popular demand, award-winning author and highly respected creative writing tutor, Emma Darwin, will teach us the difference between 'showing' and 'telling' and how to use both to improve your storytelling. If you've ever been in a session and been told 'show, don't tell' and been unsure what to do next, this is for you!
”Emma's an expert on creative writing and one of our favourite teachers in this space. What she doesn't know about good writing you can only see with a microscope. Sign up for this session and never be unsure of when to show and when to tell in your own writing again. Emma will teach for 90 minutes followed by 30mins for questions and discussion. Click through to the London Writers’ Café meetup page for more information and to book tickets.