Course and Workshops


Throughout the year I can be found teaching both face-to-face and online, including everything from one-to-one “book-doctoring” to workshops, talks and writers' festivals, catering for writers at all levels. Topics I’ve taught recently include:

  • Plot, Structure and Storytelling

  • Narrative Voice

  • Revising and Self-Editing

  • Psychic Distance and Point-of-View

  • Memoir and Creative Non-fiction

  • Life-Writing and Biographical Fiction

  • Historical Fiction

  • Prose and Voice

  • Process, Planning and Pantsing

  • Editing Fiction and working with writers

  • Academic Writing

If you’d like to discuss how I can help your organisation or writer’s group, click through to Contact.

Click through to Events to find out where I am giving workshops in the next few months, including Oxford University Summer Schools at Exeter College and Write Now! at New College, the Historical Novel Society and Romantic Novelist's’ Association conference, and the York Festival of Writing and Jericho Writers Summer Festival of Writing. I

Among many otheres, I have worked with the Festival of Women’s Writing at the Brontë Parsonage Museum; the Chartered Institute of Editors and Proof-Readers; seminars at Goldsmiths and the universities of Aberystwyth, Lincoln and Roehampton; sessions at literary festivals including Aye Write (Glasgow), Stratford-on-Avon, Isle of Wight, and Borderlines (Carlisle); workshops have included Nottingham Writers’ Studio, London Writer’s Café and the Society for Editors and Proofreaders.